International Risk & Payment Review™

International Risk & Payment Review™

Analysis of Political, Commercial and Economic Risks in 130 Countries of the World [Sample]

D & B edition International Risk & Payment Review is a good tool for multinational corporations and investors to prepare for potential risk by doing business in 130 countries around the world. This monthly publication examines the economic, political and commercial risk factors that may affect trade and includes the following indicators:

  • Payment deadlines and delays
  • Exchange rate fluctuations
  • A unique  D&B risk indicator for countries, which allows you to compare possible risk factors for doing business in a particular country with other countries.

The country-by-country assessment includes a forecast for the next two years, which facilitates ongoing business risk management.

The D&B International Risk & Payment Review has been developed and compiled by international D&B analysts using D & B's global information collection network.
A separate edition of D&B, Full D&B Country Reports, is offered for a more detailed look at each specific country.
The D&B International Risk & Payment Review can be ordered for one year in 2 formats:

  • Printed monthly magazine
  • Internet version